Wednesday 17 September 2014

Candy, Curley and Lennie: Character first impressions

First impressions of Candy are pretty obvious; as the reader can gauge his character is relatively old. Candy is also not too helpful, for example with his accident which occurred in his loss of a hand. Not disabled but then again not to fit for heavy duty work, like the lifting of barrels Lennie and George do in the fields.This injury almost holds the character of Candy back, and was only given for his loss of a limb a measly $200. Candy is also very kind but emotionally hit when Carlson persuades for his 'old life friend' to be killed; his dog; in which he has a very strong relationship with.

Lennie, to be honest comes across as; not retarded; but perhaps a little 'simple minded'. Lennies character is also quite childlike and clumsy. He doesn't realize his own strength and ability of his body weight. An example of this is; "Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers". Again these a quite childish actions. 'Dabbled' compared to George, he is very uncivilized, and again, 'paw' suggests he is being compared to a bear, big and clumsy, unable to control his own strength and anger. And lastly the word 'wiggled' is a very child like action comparing to the size of Lennies character. He has a simple instinct but he isn't dumb, in other words, Lennie is emotionally manipulative, just like a toddler, and he doesn't listen; "Tell me like you done before". Later he quotes "look George. Look what I done". He is almost proud of a simple accomplishment and like a toddler is a great way of describing his character.       

Curley - very cocky and loves himself, this character seems to be always looking for a fight; on taller, bulky men; like George. Curley is the son of the boss and enjoys some physical violence. He is also married but however the reader is unsure whether their relationship is strong, as he is always looking for her and he on the other hand is always looking for him, as if stuck or lost in a relationship. "Curleys like a lot of little guys, he hates big guys". This also shows how he is trying to prove he is the boss' son and in charge of them too. Giving him something to 'shout about', I also feel his character is Antagonistic and war like.

1 comment:

  1. Where you state that Curley "seems to be always looking for a fight; on taller, bulky men; like George", I would disagree with you. More than George, I feel like he picks fights with taller, bulkier men like Lennie who is the opposite of Curley's physique and therefore threatens him (toxic masculinity).
