Friday 12 September 2014

Roamin', wantrin' Worker.....

When my English teacher told us that the next novel we were going to study was "Of Mice and Men", I just thought; "Oh how boring"! But when we started, I was overwhelmed how hooked I was just by reading the first page! I wanted to read more! I especially love the way of how Lennie and George are described like complete opposites. And with Lennie being so reliant on George, getting all excited about 'The Rabbits'! 

I have found a song on youtube and feel that it is perfect in describing how the Great Depression forced people out of their homes and traveled from ranch to ranch. Just by listening to the lyrics and words, you are taken into their shoes and feel what they feel. The song is by Billy Brag but was originally sung by a man named Woody Guthrie, and the song is called; 'Ain't got no home in this World anymore'.   

In the song, Billy Bragg sings, 'Now the rich man took my home', I feel personally that he is making personal connection, as he further sings, 'I ain't got no home in this World anymore'
Woody Guthrie
Woody Guthrie - Original version

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