Thursday 11 September 2014

Words you may come across in the novel "Of Mice and Men"

- Many words in the novel "Of Mice and Men" are not everyday words that an everyday person would use. So I came up with a list of words used throughout the novel with their meanings.

In the novel                                              The meaning 

Set                                                             sit
Bindle                                                        bedding roll
Brush                                                       openland
Graybacks                                                 lice/fleas
Jack                                                            money
Stake                                                          'lump sum'
Jus/jes                                                         just
Gammered                                                  an animals cry
Ya                                                                you
Blowin'                                     wasting your money irresponsibility
Purty                                                           pretty
Dunno                                                         don't know
'Licks him'                                                  punches him
Stablebuck                                                  stableboy

Throughout the book, there are lots of slang words used, and some are pretty hard to tell what the meaning is. So now you know some and if you have anymore please share.

1 comment:

  1. This represents top quality independent study and thought. Well-organised and really illuminating for your studies. Well done.
