Friday 12 September 2014

Who's the boss?

When George and Lennie first arrive at the Ranch, I think it is important that the novel mentions; "Behind him came George, and behind George, Lennie". Lennie is almost cast aside but then again almost trusted by George to not wander off or say anything. George is almost trusting Lennie, to a
certain extent.

Depending on which book you are reading, in this instance, the one on the right. On page 33, the quotation speech; "And when it rains in the winter, we'll just say to hell with going to work". - George comes across as a bit obstinate and very abrupt, having no self discipline. Which makes the reader question; would they do this to new boss?

Further on, located on page 39, "The boss was expectin' you last night." "He was sore as hell". In this quotation, we get a quick glimpse of what being a boss might look like, for example; getting stressed hen no workers turn up. Which is exactly what happened in this instance with George and Lennie. Linking to George again making all the decisions without Lennie, compared to as 'dumb' by George, not having a say.

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